Research Article
Use of Agro Industrial Residues for the Production of Amylase by Penicillium sp. for Applications in Food Industry
Review Article
Coupling Analytical Methods for Detection of Microparticles: The Possibilities for Improvement
Encapsulation of N-Nitroso-melatonin with Poly(lactide-co-glycolide)
Characterization of Yellow Pigments Produced by Pencillium sp. under Solid State Cultivation
Molecular Imprinted Silica with West Nile Antibody Templates show Specific and Selective Binding in Immunoassays
Mineral Nanoparticles in Waste: Potential Sources, Occurrence in Some Engineered Nanomaterials Leachates, Municipal Sewage Sludges and Municipal Landfill Sludges
A Review on The Bioconversion of Lignin to Microbial Lipid with Oleaginous Rhodococcus opacus
Bacillus subtilis Spore Surface Display System Protects Recombinant Proteins from Degradation-Verified Hypothesis