Research Article
Study of the Effect of Magnetic Microspheres on Some Biophysical Parameters of Human Blood (In vitro Study)
Properties of Alkaline Protease C45 Produced by Alkaliphilic Bacillus Sp. Isolated from Chitu, Ethiopian Soda Lake
Ropivacaine versus Bupivacaine in Postoperative Pain Control
Haematological Studies on Broiler Chickens Fed with Different Levels of Artemia Urmiana
An Artificial Silk-elastin-like Protein Suppresses Cells Adhesion without Apoptosis
Semi-interpenetrated Hydrogels Composed of PVA and Hyaluronan or Chondroitin Sulphate: Chemico-Physical and Biological Characterization
Exosomes and Shedding Microvesicles are Mediators of Intercellular Communication: How do they Communicate with the Target Cells?