Semi-Conductor Society

Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials

Standardization of Clonal Macropropagation Protocol of Dillenia pentagyna Roxb an Important and Endangered Medicinal Tree Species through Stem Branch Cuttings


Author(s): Tiwari SK, Krishnamurthy G, Amit Pandey, Goswami MP and Pankaj Saini

Dillenia pentagyna belongs to family Dilleniaceae, is commonly known as Karkat. It is small deciduous tree reaching up to the height of 10-12 m with a straight bole. The species is distributed throughout in India including Andaman & Nicobar. It is highly important medicinal tree species. Its leaves, fruits and bark show antibacterial, antialpha glucosidase and antioxidant property. Due to its high medicinal value the natural occurrence of this species is declining day by day and gradually the species comes under the threat condition. The species is highly recalcitrant in nature, because it very difficult to propagate by conventional propagation methods.

Now there is an urgent need to develop an appropriate technology for its conservation and clonal propagation. An attempt has been made for standardizing the clonal propagation technique of this valuable medicinal species through stem branch cuttings under intermittent misting conditions in mist chamber. The optimum rooting response has been standardized by various parts per million (ppm) concentrations and treatment timings of root promoting hormones Indol-3 butyric acid-(IBA) and α-Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA). The optimum rooting response >60 percent was observed when the cutting were treated up to 20 minute with 500 ppm concentration of Indol-3 butyric acid. On an average 6 roots with10-15 cm length were induced from the cuttings after 30-35 days. Α-Naphthalene acetic acid was failed to induce roots from the cuttings.