Ethiopia had largest livestock populations in Africa and tenth in the world. It contributes about 45% to the agricultural GDP, supporting the livelihoods of 70% of the population, 18.7% to the national GDP and 16–19% to the total foreign currency earning of the country. The country had high cattle resources potential, their productivity and quality earned of this resource is low. Attention is required to overcome the constraints that affecting beef eating quality attributes, like Pre and post- handling of animals and beef especially improvement of beef meat quality and controlling the safety concerns from food borne pathogens like E.coli, salmonella, Fecal coliform and staphylococci, Aflatoxin, molds and parasitic warms (C.bovis) is vital. Slaughtering techniques, Cold chain management, Handling of slaughter cattle in the abattoir and personal hygiene, environmental sanitation, Knowledge on food handling, educational status of the butcher shops workers among the predominant factors of contamination of the beef. For future work on Meat aflatoxin, meat veterinary drug residue should be the focused area. Therefore, implementations of GMP and HACCP principles as strategy should be adapted to control pathogenic microbes.