Semi-Conductor Society

Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials

Maximum α-Amylase Production by Molecular and Biochemical Characterized Soil Microorganism


Author(s): Pushpendra Singh, Rajesh Sharma and Ravindra Singh

The present investigation was undertaken with an aim to produce α-amylase in cost effective way keeping its market potential into consideration. This result obtained from present study prove that Bacillus licheniformis is the maximum α-amylase producing strain isolated from soil under suitable conditions. This study will very helpful for upcoming researchers to uncover the various aspect of enzyme production by microorganism. The present investigation was undertaken with an aim to produce higher amount of amylase with pure compounds in submerged fermentation. To screen the isolates for promising α-amylase producing capability and one of the most promising isolate is further scale up. Amylase constitutes a class of industrial enzymes having approximately 20% of the enzyme market. α-amylase has found its application in a range of industries including food, brewing, distilling industry, textile, paper pharmaceutical and bioconversion of solid waste etc. Microorganism used in present investigation, isolated from rhizospheric regions of giant newar variety of Raphanus sativus grown in district Jaunpur, (Uttar Pradesh) India. A total of 30 natural isolates were scanned for α-amylase activity out of which 20 isolates were biochemically characterized. Based on ribotyping all the isolates were identified and one of the most promising amylase producer, i.e., Bacillus licheniformis was finally selected for further studies. The experiments were carried out in triplicates and mean value was taken. Nutritional source such as carbon and nitrogen sources were optimized for the production of α-amylase in free cell condition. Maximum α-amylase production was observed at 24 h. of incubation. Three different types of media such as Semi-synthetic, complex media I and complex media II tested and various parameters were optimized for enhance the alpha-amylase yield. It was found that identified soil microorganism Bacillus licheniformis is the best strain for α-amylase production and complex media-I gave maximum yield.