Semi-Conductor Society

Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials

Magnesium, Iron and Zinc Alloys, the Trifecta of Bioresorbable Orthopaedic and Vascular Implantation - A Review


Author(s): Michael Heiden, Emily Walker and Lia Stanciu

Bioresorbable metals continue to have immense potential to be used in the clinical treatment of a variety of soft and hard tissue injuries and disease. For many applications, the presence of a permanent device may cause severe negative effects and require re-intervention in the long-term. A transient support for a healing tissue is an attractive solution for orthopaedic and vascular interventions alike. The mechanical properties of metals in particular make them attractive candidates for this temporary support. This review aims to provide an update and insight into the current status of absorbable metal designs, as well as to discuss ongoing issues regarding the use of such materials as degradable orthopaedic fixation devices and vascular scaffolds. An effort was made to assemble a comprehensive list of the necessary requirements going forward for these unique implants, along with the reported degradation rates discovered in literature for various resorbable alloys. Furthermore, this work aims to clearly illuminate the current challenges that must be overcome in order for these unique materials to become viable replacements for permanent designs in clinical use.