Semi-Conductor Society

Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials

Integrating Sustainable Development in Supply Chain the Case of Life Cycle Assessment in Agricultural Biotechnology



The paper analyses ex ante the financial implications of transgenic virus- and weevil-resistant candy potatoes in Kenya. These applied sciences are being developed within global projects, involving public and personal organisations. It is anticipated that the resistant sorts will substantially decrease the crop losses in farmers’ fields. Model calculations exhibit that each improvements are possibly to deliver about extensive increase in financial surplus. The projected annual gross gain is 5.4 mUS$ (million US$) for virus resistance and 9.9 mUS$ for weevil resistance. Due to the semi-subsistence nature of candy potato, the producing households will be the primary beneficiaries. However, market buyers will additionally seize about one-fourth of the mixture welfare gains. The excessive profitability of the tasks is proven with the aid of considerably high quality returns on lookup investments.