Semi-Conductor Society

Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials

Fed-Batch Bioconversion of Glycerol to 1,3-PD by Using Immobilized Citrobacter freundii Cells


Author(s): Małgorzata Mizielińska, Urszula Kowalska, Magdalena Łabuda, Joanna Furgała and Artur Bartkowiak

This work was especially concerned with the effectiveness of immobilization of C.freundii strain on surface of PU foams (PUFs) modified by peanut shells. The aim of the work was to check the efficiency of immobilization process in 1,3-PD production in comparison to 1,3-PD bioconversion by using free bacterial cells. The results of the study showed that the immobilized C.freundii cells were more efficient than the free culture was. It is the thesis of the present work that reiterated a fed-batch bioconversion by using immobilized strain could be not so time-consuming and not as an expensive as a conversion in bioreactor containing free cells was. The immobilization was also important because the cells attached to the materials became more adapted to the environment, and could be used many times for the conversion of 1,3-PD. Based on the results presented in the study, it could be concluded that the immobilization could help to decrease the cost of 1,3-PD synthesis and shorten the time of the process.