Author(s): Sánchez-Robles MJ1, Mauricio-Benavides JA, Paredes-Ramírez AR, Gamero-Melo P and Cortés-Hernández DA
Today it is known that bone marrow cells are a potential for treatment a wide variety of diseases, among which stand those of hematological origin and neurologic. They are regarded as a valuable source for the treatment of affections neurological. The present work is related with obtaining bone cells (osteoblasts) and its proliferation. The fact is emphasized the extraction of the femur´s cells of a Wistar male rat of exocrianza with a practical method developed from Laboratory Animal Unit Experimentation, and the obtaining cells was performed in the Laboratory of Health Research Center, both laboratories belong to the Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Coahuila, Saltillo Unit.